main symptoms of lack of fiber
Organic Traditions Blog

5 Signs of Fiber Deficiency You Need to Know About

by Vickie Chin on Aug 18, 2020

We’ve all heard about the importance of getting enough protein to help build muscles, the importance of carbs to help fuel our bodies, and the importance of fat for pretty much every other bodily function - but one thing that definitely needs to hold an equal amount of importance on your plate is fiber and very important symptoms that signal the lack of fiber in your body. Read along to Identify the dangerous signs of low fiber diet.

1. You’re often constipated or bloated

While there are definitely a number of factors that cause constipation and bloating, often these signs can be symptoms of not enough fiber in your diet. Fiber adds bulk to your stool which gives your colon something to process and pass. On the other hand, if you’re going from little amount of fiber to fiber deficiency to a ton of fiber, this can also cause constipation and bloating. To avoid lack of fiber symptoms, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to help loosen up all that fiber and be attentive to any symptoms and body signals.

2. Your meals aren’t filling you up

Like fat, fiber plays a role in how full we feel after eating a meal. Unlike carbs, fats, and protein, fiber isn’t broken down and used in our bodies so it takes longer for our bodies to digest it. This is why you’ll often overeat foods that are low in fiber and high in refined sugar and saturated fats, and there you can notice a lack of fiber symptoms. Fiber also helps to steady and balance your blood sugar levels so if those are out of wack due to a lack of fiber, you’ll have signs of low fiber diet like finding yourself hungry for more soon after a meal, which is a fiber deficiency alert.

3. Weight gain

Of course the list is endless when it comes to factors that can contribute to weight gain but often it’s a lack of fiber symptoms that’s to blame. While fiber can help reduce weight gain by keeping you feeling full after a meal (as mentioned above) and by balancing your blood sugar levels - it means the opposite is also one of the main symptoms of fiber deficiency. Fiber deficiency in your diet can result in you eating more due to never being satiated which will inevitably lead to weight gain.

4. High blood pressure or cholesterol

Fiber plays so many important roles. One of them is helping to decrease triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol (what we often refer to as ‘good’ cholesterol). A diet high in healthy sources of dietary fiber like fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds can positively affect your blood pressure.

5. Poor gut health

Fun Fact: Did you know that fiber also plays an important role in promoting the growth of good bacteria in our guts?! 

While probiotics are definitely something that our guts need to thrive, fiber also plays an important role in supporting gut health. While carbs, fats, and proteins are absorbed into the bloodstream before entering the large intestine, we as humans don’t have the proper enzymes to break down and digest fiber. So rather than getting absorbed into the bloodstream, fiber makes its way to the large intestine where it is then able to be digested. During this process, fiber is able to feed the large intestine ‘good’ bacteria, acting as a PREbiotic! Ever heard us talk about how organic yacon syrup (our go-to healthy sweetener) passes through the bloodstream without causing a spike in blood sugar levels? It’s because it’s packed with FOS aka fructooligosaccharides - a type of PREbiotic fiber that helps to feed the gut all that good bacteria!

Soluble VS Insoluble:

There’s different kinds of fiber? Yes! While both soluble and insoluble fiber are important, there’s a slight difference between the two.

Soluble Fiber:

Soluble fiber dissolves and creates a gel that can help improve digestion and let’s say, move things along. An example of this type of fiber would be our Whole Psyllium Flakes. If you’ve ever added it to your smoothies, you’ll know that it can thicken it up pretty quickly. Soluble fiber has the same effect once it’s in your body, helping to bulk up everything else you’ve consumed. Soluble fiber is also metabolized by the good bacteria in your gut, acting as a PREbiotic (yes, just like our yacon syrup!)

Insoluble Fiber:

On the other hand, insoluble fiber attracts water into your stool, helping to soften it up and making it easier to pass. This type of fiber helps to promote healthy bowel movements and regularity. You’ll find insoluble fiber in nuts, beans, potatoes, and even cauliflower.

Which one's best? Both!

It’s important to get enough soluble and insoluble fiber in your diet in case of having symptoms of not enough fiber, since they can work together to keep you feeling full, and promote regularity and a healthy digestive tract all while helping to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Benefits of a Fiber Rich Diet:

  • Regular bowel movements
  • Optimal bowel health
  • Healthy cholesterol levels
  • Healthy blood sugar levels
  • Regulated weight
  • Promotes gut health

Fiber At Every Meal:

There’s an opportunity to incorporate fiber at every single meal and get rid of symptoms of not enough fiber- here’s how:


If you notice lack of fiber symptoms, one of the best ways to improve your health is to start your day with a healthy organic smoothie. When you’re making smoothies for breakfast, spinach or kale can be a good source of fiber (and you’re getting a serving of veg!) or you could try adding a serving of our sprouted chia flax. You’ll be getting 16% of your RDI of fiber in one serving alone! You can also sprinkle it on top of your oatmeal, chia pudding, smoothie bowls, or even on top of a salad. We also like to opt for fresh fruit first thing in the morning, so whether you’re blending it up in your smoothie or eating it whole, you’re getting fiber + water + micronutrients. What a way to start the day and fight the lack of fiber symptoms! One of our favorite ways to ensure we're getting at least 23% of our RDI of fiber is by adding a serving of our Fiber Fuel Smoothie Boosts to our smoothies! These superfood-packed smoothie boosters in three flavors: original with lucuma, baobab and maca, berry with acai, blueberry, maqui, and camu camu and chocolate with cacao, lion's mane and maca, pack a fiber punch thanks to their base of chia, flax, acacia and psyllium. Add it to your morning smoothie or oats for a nutritious and energizing start to your day.


If you’re having a salad for lunch you’re already getting fiber from your leafy greens of choice (the darker, the better!) but to take it one step further try adding some beans like chickpeas or even lentils for a boost of fiber. Not into salads? Whole grains contain good amounts of fiber too! Try having a sprouted quinoa bowl with some roasted veggies or even a sandwich made with sprouted whole grains to avoid any signs of low fiber diet.


If you’re eating a balanced meal at dinner, it’ll hopefully include some sort of vegetable. All vegetables contain fiber, but some more than others. Vegetables that are high in fiber include artichokes, brussels sprouts, cooked carrots, and broccoli - but don’t focus too much on these as it’s important that you also get your fiber from a good variety of foods! In case of having lack of fiber symptoms, it’s also good to keep in mind that steamed/cooked vegetables contain more fiber than raw vegetables and cooked veggies are often easier to digest as a whole.


There’s always room for fiber in your snacks!! When it comes to snacking, the amount of fiber in your snack of choice plays a huge role in how full you actually get from it. High fiber snacks will carry you between meals and will ensure you’re not overeating at the same time. Our favorite high fiber snacks are organic dried fruits (and fresh of course!), seeds (think chia, flax, pumpkin, and baru seeds), nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts), and popcorn (homemade is the best!).